The velcro hearse couple that does anything to never be normal, refuses to grow up, and loves our friends and family with complete loyalty. That is, ONLY our TRUE friends and family...

Friday, June 10, 2016

#4 Waking up with Steve

Waking up with Steve is a whole experience on its own, and different every day, lol...

 Even though I get home late, (by my choice, he wakes me) every morning he gets me up between 5am and 5:30.. basicly, when ever he gets completely ready for work, he wakes me up. I cherish those moments alone with him when no one listens in on what we say. Our private moment to connect and talk about yesterday, what we are thinking about today, bills to pay, and anything else at all.. That's my moment with him.

By the way, did I mention that waking up to him is a different experience everyday??? Lol, it is definitely an adventure!

This morning he decides to lick my ear and nose... and then is all over my face.. lol!! For some reason, I was really having a hard time waking up this morning... So it kept going on again and again after I would dose back off.. oh my, I became a slobbery mess, lol. But I kept getting extra kisses this morning too.. He is a good kisser, so ofcours I love that.

Life with Steve... Its a wet one today :)

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