The velcro hearse couple that does anything to never be normal, refuses to grow up, and loves our friends and family with complete loyalty. That is, ONLY our TRUE friends and family...

Saturday, October 1, 2016

#18 hearse girl/guy/couple (pic)

The difference between a hearse girl, a hearse guy and a hearse couple... 

Being a hearse girl, everyone wanted to talk to me. I would always be approached and asked questions about my Stella and what it was like having her. People always giving ideas on what to do next with her, sometimes they were really good ideas. If I go anywhere just to get away for a minute, I would have to get out of her and walk away to have my moment because trying to have a moment anywhere near her wasnt gonna happen. I always felt it was funny that it wasn't really me getting the attaintion, it was Stella. ALWAYS all about Stella.. lolol... People in town knew my cars name, but had no clue who I was, I was just her driver... at places of work, people would try to figure out who drove the hearse, and as soon as they found out I was a girl, they would just HAVE to talk to me. I don't mind at all. Its just apart of being a hearse girl and I have made some really cool friends because of my Stella. I didn't know I would attract so much attention from driving a car like her when I got her. I thought she would be noticed at first because of what she is but eventually people would get used to seeing her around and it wouldn't be a big deal. I couldn't have been further from the truth. However, i did get used to it and eventually didn't even notice it as much anymore. It was just apart of my life. Stella the hearse, and me, the invisible driver, lol... I found a lot of humor in it...

Back when Martin and I were just friends, I would often hear people tell me that they saw a guy in a black hearse rocken out. I would always light up and be like, ya, thats my friend, Martin!! He's my hearse buddy! And I would proceed to tell them all about him. However, I did notice the difference between him and me on the streets. Where as with me, Stella was noticed and I was invisible.... With Martin, he was very noticed and his hearse with his tunes, rather then him belonging to the car, the car belonged to him. (I would like to say here, it never bothered me that there were differences between how we were noticed, It was just something I definitely noticed is all.) I figured it is just the subconscious differences in how people recognize men and women. I also found humor in this as well. As I said, while I am invisible as Stella's driver as she steals the show..
Martin would be discribed as a creeper, stalker, cool dude, this hearse guy, scary guy, jammin guy, and a bunch more descriptions that I just can't remember at the moment.  Many times I felt that maybe it was better to be an invisible driver that belonged to my car... lol... 

When becoming a hearse couple, something that I noticed litteraly within days of becoming a hearse couple.... I wasn't just invisible anymore, but I am now a copy cat. 
When a hearse girl gains a relationship with a hearse guy... suddenly no one talks to you anymore, because it is assumed that either he got you a hearse after he had his.. or you got one cause he had one.. or he has two hearses and your the girlfriend.  I would like to say thst it doesn't bother me, but it does. Its never been about attention or anything like that.  But I do enjoy being a hearse girl. Its a part of who I am. When people talk to us, they are only interested in talking to the hearse guy and if you join the conversation at all as you were standing there invisible from the start... you are on a whole new level of invisible when no matter what you say.... your completely ignored, as if your not there at all. You have now become the hearse guys girlfriend, and no one cares about what you think or what you have to say about them. Ya, your still a hearse girl in the fact that you just are. But as a hearse couple, the girl does seem to lose her title as one. 
Martin is quick to point out I drive one too. Or that the other one they thought was his is actually mine.. and many times it surprises them. But its still left with the assumption that I only have one because of him, not because I'm a true hearse girl and you can see it.. It sucks that just because I'm a girl, people just won't see me for who I am. 

So if your a hearse girl thinking about dating a hearse guy... this is just something to think about. 

For me... Martin is an amazing person in my life and I will keep him regardless. Being changed from a hearse girl, to just the hearse guys girlfriend in peoples heads isn't really an all bad thing in the fact that there are other hearse girls, and there are other hearse guy's girlfriends.  But I am the only Martin's girlfriend. And that is something I treasure even more.
 But that doesn't go without saying that it is like going through a culture shock, dealing with the stereotypeing people put you in just because your a girl. I didn't mind being invisible before.. and now that I'm even more invisible, maybe people won't notice that its me kicking them in the leg for stereotypeing me. 
One thing I can count on... I will never be invisible to Martin. I will always be first important and he will always love the hearse girl in me that he knows is there.. even if no one else sees that in me anymore...

And that folks is my experience on the difference between a hearse girl, a hearse guy, and being a hearse couple..

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